Betsy Beads: Confessions of a Left-Brained Knitter
Now Available from XRX, Inc and Your Favorite Retailer

It’s here!! I’m so excited to share that after two and a half years of work, my book has been released and is available for purchase.

First copies were made available at the Madrona Fiber Arts Retreat in Tacoma, WA and the formal launch of the book took place at Stitches WEST in Santa Clara, CA. The reception has been beyond any and all expectations. XRX, Inc., my publisher, has already ordered a 2nd printing! Wow.

Thanks to everyone who has already bought the book and for so many kind words already shared. Betsy Beads is out there and the adventure has begun!

Buy Betsy Beads here: Betsy Beads or from your favorite retailer

Book Cover Photos: Alexis Xenakis, XRX, Inc., © 2012

Brave New World

While in the past I have occasionally “lurked” online, I’ve felt no need to establish a presence of my own on any of the myriad social media sites. I often confess that I am a natural recluse, happy to spend time alone, be it knitting in my studio, reading a book, cooking, going for a walk, whatever. I don’t understand the word “bored.” There is always something to do that interests me. When I venture out, it’s my choice – to spend time with friends or family, to share my love of knitting with others by teaching, etc. I’m in control – just where this left brained girl is most comfortable.

With the launch of this new website, however, it has been suggested to me that I should think about entering the brave new world of social media. “Don’t be afraid,” people say. “Everybody’s doing it.” Sigh… so confusing.

Lucky for me, a trusted friend has advised me that my site doesn’t have to be social media “driven,” it just has to be social media “friendly” and I like the sound of that. So for now, at the bottom of each page you’ll find Facebook and Twitter icons to share what you see and like here and an icon link to my Designer page on Ravelry, the wonderful website devoted to all things Knit and Crochet. This way I can start slowly. It’s the left-brained thing to do. In return, I hope you will continue to connect with me about your knitting life via the email contact on the website. I love seeing and hearing about what you’re working on.

Baby steps? Maybe… But moving forward. And that’s always a good thing.

Next Stop? Stitches Midwest
August 9-12, 2012 Schaumburg, IL

If I decide to leave my cozy summer cabin in Maine in August ( and miss my husband’s birthday this year! ), it must be for a good reason and Stitches Midwest IS a good reason. Betsy Beads will again be available for sale in the fabulous Stitches Market where I’ll be doing book signings and demos. Even more Market vendors will have kits with all of the fibers, beads and findings for creating some of the most popular projects from the book. Look for a large listing of these vendors in the XRX booth as you enter the Market. When I’m not teaching classes or in the Market, look for me in one of the hotel’s many relaxing nooks and crannies that are perfect for knitting and making new friends.

Hope you’ll find me and say hello. More info and class registration here: Stitches MIDWEST

Spotlight on Work
Check In and Check Out Some of My Favorite Pieces, Old & New

With the launch of the new website, I thought it might be fun to look back at the first Studio B necklace I featured on the original website when it launched in 2007. This has always been one of my favorites and was purchased by a dear friend – a very stylish woman whose support meant everything to me as I was just starting to sell my work. She tells me she still gets compliments every time she wears it. So grateful for good friends!