I’m Gonna Be In Pictures!!   Summer 2012
Look for my upcoming Bead Knitting Class on Craftsy.com

Craftsy Logo fullI’m really excited (and flattered! ) to announce that I have been asked to teach a  Bead Knitting video class for Craftsy.com. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this innovative new website, you need to check it out ASAP. Classes are streamed to students in full HD video with the kind of production values usually reserved for Hollywood! And their platform allows you to buy and then watch the video on your computer or mobile tablet as many times as you’d like, with access to the same functions as your TV’s DVR – pause, rewind, fast forward, etc. – FOREVER! You can also tag the video with reminders of places you’d like to revisit, post questions for the instructor and engage with the community of students who have also signed on for the class.  Welcome to  education, 21st century style!

The class will offer great basic bead knitting techniques as well as lots of variations on my fun, fabulous (and slightly addictive…) bead knitted beads. I’ll be filming in Denver in early June and will post an update about the class launch date as soon as I have it. Now you can take one of my classes from the comfort of your own home! What will they think of next?

Visit Craftsy.com

Yarnings Shop to Host Workshop, Book Signing, Trunk Show & Sale
Friday & Saturday, May 18 & 19,2012 in Skippack, PA

An exciting weekend is coming up in my local area! Yarnings is a beautiful yarn shop in Skippack, PA, about 30 minutes north of Philadelphia. On Friday evening May 18, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, they are hosting a book signing, trunk show and sale of jewelry. You’ll be able to buy my book, Betsy Beads, view selected pieces from the book and I’m also bringing along lots of One-of-a-Kind and Limited Edition jewelry that will be available for sale. The following day, Saturday May 19, I’ll be teaching my Design & Knit Beaded Bracelet class  from 9 – 4 pm and the Trunk Show and Sale will continue. And of course you’ll be able to take a gander at all the fabulous fiber that Yarnings has to offer. Stop by and say hello!



For directions to the shop and further information, visit the Yarnings website

New Website!!

With the publication of my new book and so many exciting opportunities coming up in the future, I decided that it was the perfect time to “freshen up” the website.

More news, more pictures, more links to resources and friends and, believe it or not, I’ve decided to tiptoe into the social media universe. (read Brave New World, below.)

Who says you can’t teach an old dog….? Look around! As always, I’m happy to hear what you think.