I’m in Fiber Art Now!
Fall 2012 issue is available now at Barnes & Noble stores

What a wonderful surprise when Marcia Young, the Editor-In-Chief of the magazine Fiber Art Now called me this summer to tell me she was interested in featuring my work in her magazine. Those of you who know me are aware of my life-long struggles with the meaning and significance of “A” words like art and artistic, etc. So to have been asked to write an article about my creative process and submit pictures of my work for publication in a magazine with “ART” in the title feels like quite something. I think the “something” is proud. Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?

Fall Classes!! Full Speed Ahead
Have Beads, will Travel…

Fall is my favorite season of the year. The cooling trend of the temperatures and the changing colors of trees and shrubs here in Pennsylvania wakes me up, helps me focus and stirs my creative juices. I’ve already traveled to the lovely town of Maryville, TN to provide a trunk show and workshop at the beautiful store of fellow designer/instructor (and all around delightful human being) Antje Gillingham.

Next week I’m heading up to Hartford, CT for another fabulous adventure at Stitches East, including a first for me: Following my regular Stitches classes (all SOLD OUT I’m afraid), I’m teaching a two-day ETC workshop on Monday and Tuesday, Oct 15 & 16. It’s called “Adventures in Bead Knitting Land” and I couldn’t be more excited to spend two whole days with the same group of students. We’ll knit, we’ll talk, we’ll explore the many facets of creative process and we’ll design and start original bead knitted projects. Heaven! And there’s still a bit of room for any late deciders. See here: Adventures in Bead Knitting Land

And on Nov 17 I’ll be in New York City teaching two workshops for the fabulous members of the Big Apple Knitting Guild. How lucky can you get?

I’ve already made some great new knitting friends in Tennessee and now I can’t wait to share some new techniques, see lots of old friends and make some new ones in the next few weeks. See! Fall IS great. :-)