Another chance to make a difference with Halos of Hope
“Celebration of Hope” Scarf Raffle


I am very excited to share with you that my bead knitted scarf (shown above) is going to be raffled at the upcoming Stitches Midwest Expo (8/7 – 8/10/14) as a fundraiser for Halos of Hope, a charitable organization I’ve written about before and that is truly worthy of our support.

But I wouldn’t “tease” this raffle if there weren’t a way that all of you could have a chance to win the scarf, whether you can attend the Expo or not. Good news! Raffle tickets, at $5 each, which will be available at the event, are now also available for purchase online here: “Celebration of Hope” Scarf Raffle.

Know that you must purchase your online tickets no later than August 3 for them to be included in the raffle!!

You can learn more about the work of Halos of Hope HERE Continue reading

Spotlight On New Work:   Unusual Inspirational Materials
Uni I and Uni II


I’m often asked about where the inspiration for my creations comes from. My feeling is that inspiration is everywhere and often where least expected. I have to confess, however, that my inspiration often comes from unusual materials like those seen in the two new one-of-a-kind necklaces seen here. The top photo is Uni I, the bottom photo is Uni II. The “spikey,” multicolor pieces are actually the calcified spines of sea urchins! I loved them so much that I had to use them in two different pieces. A few friends have told me that they both have a sort of tribal feel. I guess that’s true, but what you can’t tell from the pictures is that they also make a lovely sound effect when they move around – a sort of tinkling, almost musical sound that I find very soothing. Unexpected and delightful.

There are a few more new pieces in the Necklace Gallery that I haven’t turned the Gallery Spotlight on here in the What’s New section, so as time permits, please click on over and take a peek. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts about this new work.