Reflections on the Craft Boston ’20 Weekend That Isn’t
I Choose Hope

Craft Boston '20 postcard  


So many situations these days offer us reasons to be happy or sad, hopeful or fearful, grateful or resentful. You might even experience all of these feelings in a single day.

Today was to be the opening of Craft Boston Spring 2020. I was so looking forward to a wonderful weekend back in the Cyclorama with my sister/best helper Dulcie Flaharty by my side, connecting with friends old and new and being inspired by the creativity of artists from all over the country.

So today I am both happy for my memories of years past and sad not to be there now. But also grateful and hopeful. Grateful to my friends at The Society of Arts and Crafts for choosing the image of one of my necklaces for the show’s promotional postcard. (You can see a full image of the necklace, Meander II, if you scroll down on my One of a Kind Necklace Gallery page HERE.) The postcard never made it to the printers because, well, you know. But we live in a digital age. So there’s that. And I choose to be grateful.

And last but certainly not least… There are heroes out there in the world. Every day kind of heroes. Never more than today. More to be grateful for. And we will make it through this together. So I choose hope. Always hope. Please stay safe.