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Craft Boston Holiday 2020 Goes Virtual

Craft Boston Holiday 2020 (1)

Wonderful news! Leave it to the Boston based Society of Arts and Crafts to find a way not only to offer a safe, virtual version of their highly regarded juried Holiday Craft Show, but EXPAND the show in a way that will provide exhibitors a longer time to show and sell their work and lots of different ways for virtual attendees to connect with and learn from artists in real time. I’m thrilled to be one of those artists this year.

If this is your first visit to my site, I hope you’ll take a moment to look around, especially in the jewelry galleries, using these direct links in RED or the Navigation Bar on the left. Check out One of a Kind Necklaces and Bracelets and Limited Edition Bead Ball Necklaces. If you are a return visitor, look again. I’m posting some new work as of 9/23.

Watch this space for updates as more details are coming. Thank you SAC!