Good grief! What a year!
Looking Back. Looking Forward.

Artist Photo - Square


Personally:    Every day in this past year of so much challenge, I have tried to be grateful for what I have while remaining mindful of the losses endured by so many. Reaching out when I’m able to offer sympathy and support. But somehow it never seems enough. But we do what we can and encourage others to do the same. What else can we do? If you can think of it, try to do it.

Professionally:   So many “Thank you!”‘s owed…

…To everyone who found their way to this site in the last year and especially in the last two months. Many as a result of my participation in CraftBoston Holiday Online 2020 and others who found their way, regardless of how you got here. More visitors than I’ve ever had. So many pieces going to forever homes. May they bring you as much joy in the wearing as they have to me in the creating. So grateful!

…To everyone at The Society of Arts & Crafts, sponsors of the CraftBoston shows and so much more. As I saw them pivoting from live shows to virtual ones, I was blown away by the amount and quality of work done by such a relatively small staff of individuals devoted to the advancement of fine American Craft. So many opportunities for artists to share both our product and our process. I’ve learned so much. I’ve “met” and connected with other artists in ways that a live show doesn’t always afford. I am in their debt.

… To the staff at Gravers Lane Gallery in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bruce, Barbara, Boin. Not sure you will ever know the extent to which your ongoing support is invaluable to me. I will never take it for granted.


What to say? Hope is a word I can now use and really believe in what appears possible. There IS real light at the end of this pandemic and politically corrosive tunnel. But there are still weeks and months (and years?) of continued strength required. Let’s not give up when we are so close. Let’s do what is asked of us. Wear a damn mask. If at all possible, stay home. Respect the fact that the health of one can affect the health of many. We can do this. Please do this. So we can be together again. It is my fondest wish.

Happy New Year everyone. This year, let’s work to make it more than a hackneyed expression. Thank you.