Now available as a paperback book, downloadable PDF or “Stitchip” (a USB flash drive)!
Betsy Beads: Confessions of a Left-brained Knitter





This is my book. Plain and simple, I am as proud of this effort as anything I have ever done professionally and forever grateful to the team at XRX Books who encouraged me to write it and provided all the support any author could ask for in bringing it to reality and putting it out into the world. Along with technical bead knitting instruction and over 30 pattern designs, it tells the story of my creative awakening in a series of seven essays scattered through the book as well as a publisher’s colophon.

How I got from where I was to where I am today encompasses quite the journey. I share an abbreviated version of that journey in the short form video I created for the Society of Arts & Crafts “CraftBoston: Fiber Stories” online show that runs from July 16 thru August 29. You can view the video on You Tube HERE. Visit the online show HERE. See my work in the show HERE.

If you are sufficiently intrigued to learn more, the book is available for purchase HERE in its original paperback edition, or as a downloadable PDF or on a USB flash drive called a Stitchip that you can connect to a computer or laptop. All from the original publisher, XRX Books. Still undecided? You can preview the book by clicking HERE or on the link named “Betsy Beads” that you should see in the Navigation Menu to the left of this post. I hope you’ll check everything out as time permits. Proud knitter here!

Studio B Knits in the News!
Philadelphia Weekly Highlights Fiber Stories


What a nice surprise! The PR folks from The Society of Arts and Crafts alerted me to a listing in The Philadelphia Weekly, sharing news of my participation in the upcoming CraftBoston Fiber Stories Show. Not gonna lie… Always nice to see my work and name in print. Show opens on Juy 16. In THREE DAYS!! Counting down… 3 – 2 – 1… 🎆

A new Society of Arts and Crafts Virtual Show
Craft Boston Fiber Stories 7/16 – 8/29/21

Only nine more days until the opening of CraftBoston Fiber Stories, the newest virtual show to be offered by The Society of Arts and Crafts. I’m honored to have 10 pieces selected for this show and always happy to support and have my work recognized by this terrific organization, the oldest continuing non-profit champion of fine American craft. Lots of stories will be shared by the 40 some artists in this show, myself included. New for me was the creation of a short form video – really more of a slideshow – telling a bit of how I came to this work and what it means to me. It will appear on my Artist Page when the show opens on July 16. I look forward to reading the stories of others in the show and will welcome feedback on or questions about mine. I will share links as they become available, both here and on my Instagram page bio.