This Is What’s New!
New Work To Share

These are two of the new one of a kind necklaces now available at Gravers Lane Gallery. Second Impressions and Sunset Beach Walk. Very different in feel from one and other but both from the same brain and same hands. I love how the variety of materials available to me can inspire me to design with so many different techniques and constructions, colors and shapes. Impression Jasper in the first. And yes, REAL tiny sea shells in the second. I can’t see how I’ll ever run out of ideas. And that’s a good thing, right? :-)

More Retail!
Studio B at Artisans on the Avenue

I’m thrilled to announce that my Limited Edition Pipeline necklaces and Slider Bracelets are now available at Artisans On The Avenue in the beautiful northwest Philadelphia neighborhood of Chestnut Hill. I am a long time customer of this high end shop and honored to have my work on offer there. If you’re in the area I hope you will stop in for a look-see. Whatever you leave with will make your life that much more beautiful. Promise!