You Tube Interview with Valerie Hector

Exciting news! I’ve recently had the great privilege to be interviewed by Valerie Hector as part of her new series, Beading Globally, that appears on her You Tube Channel. Called “Bead Knitting Now,” it is a recorded visual interview with Valerie about my work, interspersed with a slide show of images. The interview has gone live HERE (There may be a skippable ad prior to the interview’s start.)

As time permits, I hope you will check out at least some of it. (Fair warning: it’s two hours long!) This is kind of a big deal for me. ;-) No actually, it IS a big deal for me.

PS If you are not familiar with Valerie’s own work, please do check her out HERE. She is a big deal in the bead and art jewelry world. She is a consummate bead artist (using off-loom bead weaving) and deeply knowledgeable beadwork historian and educator. And she was an early supporter and encourager to me. I owe her a lot and was thrilled to be asked to do this interview, only the second in her series, after the incredible bead artist Laura McCabe.

Thanks in advance for your time.