I can’t imagine I’m the only one who is not sad to bid goodbye to 2020. Not that there wasn’t anything to be joyful about. At the top of my list? We welcomed another lovely granddaughter to our family. That makes three of them! And it’s pretty clear that the world is profiting from the presence of more and more strong women. We’re just doing our part.
Working with The Society of Arts and Crafts as they mounted their first online CraftBoston Holiday show was also a highlight. Yes, sales were made, but equally important was expanding my circle of friends as I “met” and learned from other participating artists in ways I might not have had time for at the live shows of the past. Whatever format they choose to utilize, I will be grateful for any opportunity to work with these great people in the future.
And while there were times when I wanted only to retreat into “regular” knitting in order to self soothe, I continued to find inspiration in materials and diverse visual imagery. I’ve added images of some new pieces to the One-of-a-Kind Necklace Gallery so please click on over and have a look. One of my favorites appears below.
Lastly, if you are in the Philadelphia area, I urge you to stop in at The Gravers Lane Gallery in Chestnut Hill. I’m always grateful to have my work shown there alongside so many gifted and inspiring artists.
I feel positive changes brewing for this coming year. I choose hope. I hope you will too.