Where to Next?
Paradise City Arts in Marlborough

Thrilled to be heading back to a Paradise City Arts show! This time the spring show in Marlborough Massachusetts. I’ve done their larger Fall show in Northhampton twice before. The staff takes great care of exhibitors and the attendees were many and wonderfully discerning. Looking forward to meeting folks at this show, fellow exhibitors and attendees alike. It’s only 35 minutes west of Boston!

I’ll have lots of new work and a newly configured booth to show it all off. If you’re anywhere in the neighborhood, put March 21-23 in your calendar.

The show website with all the details is HERE.

My artist page with a few pretty pix is HERE.

Check it out and I’ll hope to see you there.


My social media presence tends to be sporadic in nature. Occasional posting here on the website and perhaps a flurry of images over on my Instagram page HERE, but just because I go publicly silent for awhile it doesn’t mean I’m not head down, needles clicking, beads being threaded, working continually behind the scenes. So now it’s time to show some of the results of that work. Some images here will be in full while I’m offering some closeups of others because I think the detail warrants a closer look. For full, zoomable images of all of these pieces, head on over to the Necklace Gallery page HERE. Hope you like!

You Tube Interview with Valerie Hector

Exciting news! I’ve recently had the great privilege to be interviewed by Valerie Hector as part of her new series, Beading Globally, that appears on her You Tube Channel. Called “Bead Knitting Now,” it is a recorded visual interview with Valerie about my work, interspersed with a slide show of images. The interview has gone live HERE (There may be a skippable ad prior to the interview’s start.)

As time permits, I hope you will check out at least some of it. (Fair warning: it’s two hours long!) This is kind of a big deal for me. ;-) No actually, it IS a big deal for me.

PS If you are not familiar with Valerie’s own work, please do check her out HERE. She is a big deal in the bead and art jewelry world. She is a consummate bead artist (using off-loom bead weaving) and deeply knowledgeable beadwork historian and educator. And she was an early supporter and encourager to me. I owe her a lot and was thrilled to be asked to do this interview, only the second in her series, after the incredible bead artist Laura McCabe.

Thanks in advance for your time.

This Is What’s New!
New Work To Share

These are two of the new one of a kind necklaces now available at Gravers Lane Gallery. Second Impressions and Sunset Beach Walk. Very different in feel from one and other but both from the same brain and same hands. I love how the variety of materials available to me can inspire me to design with so many different techniques and constructions, colors and shapes. Impression Jasper in the first. And yes, REAL tiny sea shells in the second. I can’t see how I’ll ever run out of ideas. And that’s a good thing, right? :-)

More Retail!
Studio B at Artisans on the Avenue

I’m thrilled to announce that my Limited Edition Pipeline necklaces and Slider Bracelets are now available at Artisans On The Avenue in the beautiful northwest Philadelphia neighborhood of Chestnut Hill. I am a long time customer of this high end shop and honored to have my work on offer there. If you’re in the area I hope you will stop in for a look-see. Whatever you leave with will make your life that much more beautiful. Promise!

Where to Next?
Paradise! Here I Come

I’m excited to be returning to Northhampton Massachusetts on Columbus Day weekend, October 7-9, for the Paradise City Arts Festival. I exhibited there two years ago, at the tail end of the pandemic, when folks were just starting to feel comfortable attending large events with lots of people. It was a very successful show for me and I was so pleased at how well the show organizers took care of everyone, exhibitors and attendees alike. Not easy during those times. Mad respect.

If you are able to travel to the area (and it’s beautiful, especially this time of year) I hope you’ll stop by to see me and lots of new work.

Click HERE for detailed show information

And HERE for a discount coupon for your ticket.

I’ve Been Busy!
Lots of New Work to Share

It has been SO good to get back to work this new year! I’ve been happily hard at work, revisiting a technique I used on one of my favorite necklaces from years ago, utilizing some newly purchased vintage components and exploring the possibilities of combining I-Cord with my Abacus Bead Knitting technique. Images from my professional photographer just landed and I’m happy to share a few of them here and the rest in the One of a Kind Necklace Gallery.

It’s Been Awhile…
Happy to Be Back!

So yes, it’s been awhile…. but for a good reason. We made a major life change, sold our family home of 39 years (very hard to do but definitely the right choice) and moved to a new single home in a nearby life care community that sits next to a working farm and beautiful nature preserve with lots of walking trails and ever changing natural views. We are beyond fortunate. We look out on grazing (and occasionally mooing) cattle right beyond our back yard. So peaceful here. But the process of downsizing and selling our house and moving into a house that we gut renovated was not…. So peaceful, that is. But we’re pretty well settled, I have a lovely, dedicated studio space and I couldn’t be happier to be back at work. Here are some home-taken photos of the first few new pieces completed since the move. Several are already at my professional home away from home, Gravers Lane Gallery in Chestnut Hill, PA. Professional photos to come.

Thanks for the continued support and best wishes to all for happy holidays and a happy and healthy new year ahead.

Help Us Help Ukraine
Multi Artist Studio Sale – May 21, 11-4

Very happy to be joining great friend Leslie Pontz for a studio sale to benefit Ukraine. One week from today. Saturday May 21 from 11-4. Sale will take place at Leslie’s beautiful home (worth the trip on its own!) at 1027 W. Allens Lane. Philadelphia.
I will be offering bead knitted fiber jewelry at a wide range of price points alongside Leslie’s incredible fiber sculpture. Need more info? Call 215.248.0658.
Get some new jewelry for spring and/or add to your art collection AND help us send some financial support to the brave, resilient people of Ukraine. That’s what we call a win-win. Hope to see you there.


Back to Virtual Reality
CraftBoston “Pins + Needles” Next Show Up!

Next up!! Always happy to have my work appear in a show sponsored by The Society of Arts and Crafts (SAC). This time it’s the virtual show “Pins & Needles,” up on their site from March 4 – April 17.

I work on anywhere from two to five knitting needles at a time, but given the tiny scale of some of my stitches, some might think that I’m working on pins! And in truth, early knitting needles were actually called knitting pins. So I guess I fit right in!

For this show I am offering a wide selection of my Slider bracelets. They are the fiber equivalent of a bangle bracelet. They have some stretch so fit a wide range of wrist sizes. And best of all, NO clasp. Just roll them on. So, as I call them, partner free! 😉

Head over to the Society of Crafts website HERE to see this wonderful show!